Tuesday, October 10, 2006

It is snowing.

I can't believe it. This morning we woke to the sight of snow. Oh those poor wee lambies. There was probably about two or three inches and it has come and gone a bit during the day. The worst part is DH is away in the car (yes we only have one car) and I have to go and pick the boys up on the motorbike. Not a pleasing thought I tell you. At the moment I am actually procrastinating. I should be stripping wall paper, it has to be done by Thursday and it isn't going well at all. There is four layers, the top two aren't too bad, well probably top three really but the bottom layer is a real nightmare. I am using warm soapy water so hopefully I will get there.

Finally managed to get a photo onto here. This is Jake standing on the inside of the whole fire set up. Actually standing on the inside of the yunca. Now this is all gone and the door to the right. I will endevour to get more photos and get them up here.
Till later here is a question for you to ponder. Why does your nose run and your feet smell? Or what if your scared half to death twice?


Sharee Mortensen said...

three words for ya Bron - Hire A Steamer!!! Soooo much easier than water. Love the pic :) We had snow today too - who said summer was coming??

Mardi said...

Are you serious????...is it really snowing?....its so warm here...should be 39deg by Friday..it seems totally impossible that you could nave snow.
Good lcuk with the wall paper removal..what a huge job...Argh!

Anonymous said...

Who would have thought? Snow in Oct? LOL. Hope you got the boys alright and it wasnt' too cold.