Sunday, November 12, 2006

What do you know?

Well it is quite funny really. We moved down here four months ago, no family members around, didn't know a sole. We have made so many wonderful and very close friends already. But what is really strange, is that we have just discovered that me and one of my best friends here are related. I counldn't believe it. She had talked to her mother in law about me but had never mentioned my last name. One day she asked and Ally told her and she said "Oh I think we are related to them." Knock me over with a feather. I got my family tree out and sure enough, there they were, bold as brass LOL. Allys MIL gave me a book that she had done on the family tree and it has filled so many blanks in, lots of photos I didn't have and I have lots she didn't have. Of course it is only one branch but I think it is really unusual how we came back to where DH NZ roots started from. I've been doing the family tree for some time now and those of you that have done some know how time consuming it all can be. It is quite a funny feeling looking back and seeing family from 1785 and they didn't have birthdates back then. Just Christening dates.

When you see Abby and Rebecca (Allys daughter who is 6 months older than Abby) together it is uncanny. They are so alike it isn't funny, looks, mannerisms everything. Rebecca was also a twin and Alley had a miss-carriage at three months and they were going to do a D and C and did a scan first and realised that there was still a baby in there. Ally said to me, "the thought of three of them running around would be a tad scarey" certainly isn't wrong there LOL. Those of you who have a three year old going on 13 will understand that one LOL (Trina :) )

Enought of that. Yesterday there was a garden tour around here (6 gardens I think). I was going to go on it but someone asked me to help make pikelets and me being me said sure. There was only meant to be 70 odd people for afternoon tea. Starting at 1.00 we thought we would be wound up by 4 at the latest. 3.00 we were run off our feet and we got a phone call to say that there was 130 sold tickets and probably another 20 odd that were organising it. We made 10 batches of pikelets and there was much other food as well. Finally got to have a drink and put our feet up about 5.30 (and it wasn't a coffee either LOL). Was a great day and everyone seemed to enjoy it. met lots of new people which was really good. Finally got home about 7.00 and luckily Lionel had the kids fed and in the bath. They had a BBQ for tea, felt sorry for them though, as I never had any salads made up, or lettuce in the fridge. The kids loved it though. Well will leave you too it. All you NI who are away at scrap camp, I hope you had a fab time and I am so jealous of you all. Can't wait to see what you have been busy at. I hope there was a cricut there ;)

If quizzes are quizzical, what are tests?


Sharee Mortensen said...

Don't forget Bron that I want that pikelet recipie. Glad to see you guys are settling in well. Waitahuna and Apiti are obviously poles apart. How is your challenge going????

Mardi said...

Hi Bronny... I bet you wre all pikeletted out after that....
LOL at the test question....
Mardi x