Sunday, June 24, 2007

What a week

Talk about a four seasons week. On Friday night we had about 10 inches of snow, can you believe it. It was simply amazing. Lionel had other words for it LOL. (which I'm not going to print here :) ) The funny thing about it all is that last Sunday (a week today) we were sitting outside on the grass and outdoor furniture having a bbq lunch. It certainly wasn't shorts or bare feet weather, but it was a beautiful sunny day, no wind etc then five days later we have all this snow. It was beautiful though, and by sunday was all gone. We had 25ml rain over night and it all just dissapeared. So now we have no snow but lots of water :) I'll try and upload photo's. Thats if Blogger will let me.
Here is Abbys bike which was left outside over night LOL.
And the outdoor furniture that we were having a bbq lunch on 5 days ago.
And our Olly. Believe it or not he is trying to ride his push bike, and he is about to go over the motorgate LOL. (Or cattlestop which ever you use LOL). He ended up getting frustrated and put it away LOL.
We were meant to be scanning on Sunday, but we rang our scanner man and told him it might pay not to come. He is now coming on Tuesday, it will be we but at least there won't be snow around (Hopefully).

We finally heard back from the insurance company and they looked at the bike and decided that there was no way they were going to fix it. Which is kind of good as the bike shop said that it would never be the same again with all the damage done to it. (whoops). We have a loan one at the moment and they are bringing a new one hopefully this week. Well that is it for this week.
Take care


Mardi said...

OMGoodness.. now that is cold!!
Good news on the bike...
Mardi x

Donna said...

Wow, stunning, but brrrr, I find it hard to imagine.
Hope it's warm enough to scrap:)