Thursday, August 02, 2007

I'm Baaaack

I do appologise for not being on here earlier. Some of you may know that I have changed email address's and It wouldn't let me sign in. Big problems but now I finally have it sorted (I hope)

Well I have just come back from an absolutely awesome weekend in Bannockburn at a scrapbookers retreat. It started on Thursday night but unfortunately I couldn't go then because of taking the boys to school bus and only having one vehicle. I couldn't really let Lionel take them and Abby on the motorbike if it was snowing or raining or a realy hard frost, trust me, it was tempting thought :). So in the end I dropped the boys off at school and left for Central. Car packed up with all my scrapping gear.
In the end there was 8 of us there for Friday to Sunday and there was only me and one other lady who wasn't there on the Thursday night. We were also priviledged to have Andrea from Scrapbook outlet come and join us Saturday afternoon and she stayed the night too. Was great to have finally meet her, talked on the phone a few times but was great to put a face to a name.

Andrea (scrapbook outlet) and Meg (Scrapbook essentials) also had a shop there each which was brilliant. They had a good variety of gear .

There was also lots of projects and prizes that were kindly donated by Andrea and Meg. Andrea even donated a Nic Howard book which was part of a challenge. Lara had a list of pages that we had to do and each one was worth so many points. Those that finneshed or had the most points went into a draw for it. There was three of us that completed them all and Tanya was the lucky winner of the draw.
I'm already looking forward to the next scrap retreat. Just a pitty it is so far away. :(

Here are some of my completed projects for the weekend. This was a layout that included me in it. Unfortunately I've miss placed a book that I have with other things I had written down about me. When I find it I will include them on the layout as well.

This was a project donated by Andrea at Scrapbook outlet and Lara took us through the steps of altering it. It started of as plain chipboard and our project was to alter it. We also made transparency pages to go in it. It was a great wee project.

We also had as part of the list a 6x4 photo to scrap on a page (no other photos). I didn't have a 6x4 so I was allowed to use this photo. (aint he a cutie?) We also had to make a card out of left overs from another layout (Not associated with the challenge). This is the layout I did from the last retreat.

Then Tanya gave us all a challenge to scraplift a layout she had done.

and here is everyones take on the challenge. Tanyas layout is the top right hand corner. We also had to make a card that used no usual adhesives (and you couldn't use stickers to hold the paper on). I've used sewing and brads on this.This project was called "Andreas- stripping in the dark" . LOL We all got a piece of scenic route Scrap Strip2, a sheet of Black Bling, ribbon, flower and a paisley. We could do what we wanted with it and I chose to make a minni album of us all down at the river. I never had any photos so that is one of my projects this week. On the inside front cover I have the paisley that I am going to use for a date etc, but when I made it I had no idea.Here is everyones take on the project, Isn't it amazing all the different layouts that come from the same products :).This is a pillow box that Tanya did for a project for us. The goodies were supplied by Meg at Scrapbook essentials for this one.Another challenge was to do a laout where the words or journaling was the focus of the page and if you had photos on it they had to support it. I used no pp for this and my new Autumn leaves stamps (Thanks Andrea :) )This is one where we weren't to use any cardstock. I love these papers.Just one I did for me :) Again using my new stamps. And another one just for me.Another layout from the challenge. You had to scraplift someone elses layout from the retreat (this was before Tanya had done hers). This is a scraplift from Lyn's layout.

Well that is it for this time. Take care


Anonymous said...

Wow that's a whole lotta neat scrapping you got done!

Lara said...

WOW you really did get busy :-) Thanks for the summary.... I won't have to do one LOL - will just send them here!

Anonymous said...

Bronwyn, I am really impressed with your scrapbooking, and envious as it is something I've never attempted to do. I keep wondering how you fit it in with everything else you do. Sure wish I could see your kids, but feel it is great to see them this way and "visit" you now and then.

Much love,

Jenny said...

You did a fantstic selection of l/os in one weekend!