Tuesday, January 06, 2009

My Big boy is 9 years old

Well our big boy is 9 years old today. Can't believe it. still remember the day he was born, like yesterday. LOL Scary.
Well we decided yesterday to get him a kitten, as the cat we had dissapeared about 6 months ago, and he was Jakes mate. We rang the Vets and the SPCA yesterday at lunch time. The SPCA had 11 kittens in and they were all fixed up and the vets had 2 tabbys. We decided to go to the SPCA for choice and for ease really. Well we got there at 1.00 today and told Jake what he was getting. But we got inside and all their kittens were gone. They said they had a rush on. So we had Jake all hyped up and couldn't go home with out a kitten. We went to the pet shop down the road and they had one kitten. A white one. All throughout my life I've had white cats so I was thrilled to see her. As a child I had 4 white ones and when Lionel and myself married we got a white cat as well. Usually with white cats they are either deaf or blind and luckily we have only ever had one that was deaf. I'm unsure of this one though, definately not blind so I guess time will tell.
So anyway once Jake spotted the kitten that was it. We weren't leaving without her. They put her in a cat box and we came home (1 hours traveling). Jake took her out of the box and she curled up on his knee and slept all the way home. Was gorgeous.
But before we got the kitten we went to Moana Pool and what a ball we all had. Abby is doing so much more now that it is hard to believe, shes turning into a little fish, and the boys have grown in confidence too. Mum met us down there and we went to lunch at KFT, a real treat for the kids, as we dont' do takeaways. Then the kitten. Here she is, isn't she gorgeous? Jakes decided to call her Furby, (short for fur Ball). That might change though. Here is a photo of all the kids, Jakes giggling as Furby is licking his hand and of course his toungue is so rough. :)
Till next time :)


Vicki said...

Happy birthday Jake - sounds like you have had the best day ever and what a cool name for a kitten. Love her blue eyes.

Penny said...

Happy birthday Jake!

A beaut kitty there :)

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Jake! what a gorgeous kitten, and I like the name - real cute! your story about the RSPCA sounds like ours, and how we got our last cat! even down to how we were replacing a cat that had disappeared 6mths earlier!! uncanny!

Jenny said...

Happy birthday Jake and that kitten looks too cute!

Lara said...

mmm, something white and fluffy to scrap. Fun.