Saturday, October 06, 2007

Can you believe it another family member?

Well we have. It is a horse for the kids and her name is Little Honey. What a shock, two horses in three weeks. :) Little Honey is actually on loan to us for as long as we want her. She is 25 years old and about 11.2 hands high. She just adores kids and I admit the kids just love her to bits. We went and got her yesterday when we picked Jake up from my parents. Then at lunch time I rang the local farrier to get her feet trimmed and he came out this afternoon. He did a great job and while he was here I got him to do Mollys as well. Poor Abby got a little upset as she thought he was going to do something horrible to "My Little Honey." LOL
The kids all had a ride on her this morning and Jake and Olly have ridden on their own. There was no way we were helping there. Abby wanted to as well but we had to draw a line somewhere. Honey has done alot of work with kids and even was a horse with the riding for the disabled for a few years, so she certainly has the patience.
I will get photos of her being ridden as this certainly isn't a very nice view :)

What else has been happening? Not sure if I mentioned it or not but our deck is finneshed and it looks fab. Pulled one front fence out to do a new one (the old one was rusted and looked diabolical (sp). There is two posts in and the holes dug for the other six. Hopefully weather permitting we will be getting onto it again soon.
Well that is it for now. No sbing pages to share, sorry. Hopefully next time


Shell said...

What a beautiful horse for the kids! Your family is growing quickly!!! :)

Jenny said...

She is beautiful! Your children are very lucky to have that sort of experience

Lara said...

you are certainly getting into the horses :-) my sister had a 'honey' once... not telling you what happened to her though.