Thursday, March 23, 2006

Another quiet week

This photo was taken last week when the Banadoes went to the beach for a visit. We just met them down there as it is just down the road (all of two minutes) and the kids had a ball. I like this photo as Oliver was jumping and I caught him in mid air plus the sea and Kakanui in the back ground. Pitty Oliver is a bit dark but I might have to have a play with it on the computer :).

We were actually shearing this day and I rang them to say that we were and they were more than welcome to come and have a look after the beach. They took me up on this offer and I rang Lionel to say so. Well you should of seen the look on Lionels face when he sees a forty seater bus pull into the woolshed plus three car loads. He got a bloody fright as he was only expecting 10 kids and three adults when in actual fact there was about 40 kids and 10 adults. Ha teach him RAFLMAO.

Now doesn't she look gorgeous LOL. That hat!!! Do you think I could get it off her while we were at the beach. It fell in the water and it got put straight back on. Water and all LOL. At least they enjoyed it though. And I got plenty of photos what else can you want.

Well things are still going well with the farm. Another two couples coming through tomorrow, means I have to get the house spic and span as well and on top of that we are shearing Corrie lambs. I guess I will be busy flitting from the wool shed rousing to the house tiding up for the next on slaught. Boy I will be pleased when it is all over ;). It isn't really that bad it is just having everything spic and span for people to come in and look at everything. Just hope they haven't been looking in my scrapping supplies. Fingers out of there LOL. :)

Mum and Dad are coming over this weekend, going to come to T-ball and watch Jake then on Sunday we are all going to a Heritage thing here in Oamaru. I figure I haven't been to one yet and if I don't go this year we will be to far away if we end up moving so might as well make the most of it while we are here. Good idea???? They will have blade shearing, people making the old wheels, clydesdale horses ploughing etc all that sort of old time things. I hope to have some photos to share on here :)
Till next time :)

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