Friday, June 16, 2006

Grrr, Gouvenment departments.

What a frustrating day we have had. Yesterday after getting home from down south there was a message from our Solicitor to give him a ring. We rang this morning and it turns out that Peters OIO concent has been sitting on some morons desk for the last four weeks and they have just discovered it. We are meant to have an answer by next Friday the 23rd and they want to know if they can have another two weeks to go through it all. This would mean that the lawyer would have to go to the lawyer of the owners of the farm we are buying to see if they could extend the date out two week, mean that we might have to pay grazing for the ewes we have just brought, postpone all the trucks that we have lined up and trailer for moving our gear. One of the companies would of changed hands by then so we aren't sure weather or not they are able to do it. Not only that we are held in suspence for another fortnight (they hope that is all it will be.) I mean how long does it take for them to have a look at it, there is still a week. We are so annoyed with them, infact, Lionel rang them and they said "oh we can't discuss the case with you as it doesn't affect you." Doesn't affect us, bloody cheeck of them. Lionels reply was "No you are right it doesn't affect us, it puts us and two other families future on hold. (the people we have signed up the farm off, and Peter who is trying to get the OIO concent). If we ran our business like you run yours then we wouldn't have a business." Her reply "Sorry, sir but we can't discuss this with you, is that OK?" We are just so deflated and so F****d off words can't describe it.
Now on a much better note, thank you to everyones kind words on me being pubblished, either on here, via email or via phone. You will all be able to hear me yelling and jumping for joy from where ever you are. Tammy you will probably hear me in America LOL.
Mardi, Jake sure is excited about it all and it is probably a good thing he won't understand what is happening at the moment.
Donna, I sure am thrilled about Rodney being kicked off, bout time aye :) And I think I might get rid of all Abbys purple clothes. Do you think that might break this horrible horrible girl thing that is going on at the moment? I don't mind the girl thing so much but this having to wear pink alllllll the time is quite frustrating IYKWIM.
Well take care everyone and I hope I have some good news to report on the farm ASAP


Sharee Mortensen said...

ARGH!! beurocrats!! Sic Rodney onto them mebbe with the threat he will dance around their office until they sign it off!!
I can so sympathise with you on the pink thing - weren't you laffing at me several months ago and my pink obsessed baby???

Mardi said...

AAggghhh!! damn frustrating.
Why does red tape have to be so difficult.
Big 'HUGS'
Mardi x

Lara said...

nothing like a good bit of stress to keep the blood circulating! Hope it all unfolds rather comfortably! Fingers crossed.

lianne said...

Hi Bronnie, thanks for visiting my blog. Big congrats on being published, that's great news.

Donna said...

Bumbling beaurocracy at it's best!! Everything crossed for you Bronny!
Not much you can do about the pink, then purple thing! I think it then turns into black!!!! LOL.

Anonymous said...

Thought that I should check out the blog site to see what was happening. Hopefully things are sorted out now. busy with work and just moved flats. Email later.

Anonymous said...

Hey what a great site keep up the work its excellent.